Date: 20 April 2017
Body of the Report:
Dino Polska S.A. („Company”) hereby publishes information on the completed public offering of 48,040,000 series A shares with the par value of PLN 0.10 each („Offer Shares”) carried out by Polish Sigma Group S.à r.l. („Selling Shareholder”).
All capitalized terms not defined in this Current Report have the meanings assigned to them in the Company’s prospectus approved by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) on 17 March 2017.
1) Start and end date of subscriptions for Retail Investors:
Start of subscription: 22 March 2017
End of subscription: 3 April 2017
Start and end date of subscriptions for Institutional Investors and Management Option Scheme Investors:
Start of subscription: 5 April 2017
End of subscription: 7 April 2017
2) The Offer Shares were allocated on 10 April 2017.
3) From the total number of 48,040,000 Offer Shares:
a) 2,402,000 Offer Shares were offered to Retail Investors,
b) 45,456,047 Offer Shares were offered to Institutional Investors, and
c) 181,953 Offer Shares were offered to Management Option Scheme Investors.
4) The reduction rate in individual tranches was as follows:
a) The average reduction rate of subscriptions for Retail Investors was: 75%.
b) There was no reduction of subscriptions for Institutional Investors and Management Option Scheme Investors.
5) As part of the sales offering of the Offer Shares, subscriptions were submitted in total for 55,247,241 shares, of which:
a) Retail Investors submitted subscriptions for 9,609,241 shares,
b) Institutional Investors submitted subscriptions for 45,456,047 shares, and
c) Management Option Scheme Investors submitted subscriptions for 181,953 shares.
6) Under the completed offering the Selling Shareholder allocated 48,040,000 Offer Shares, of which:
a) 2,402,000 Offer Shares were allocated to Retail Investors,
b) 45,456,047 Offer Shares were allocated to Institutional Investors, and
c) 181,953 Offer Shares were allocated to Management Option Scheme Investors.
7) The Final Price to be paid for the Offer Shares by Institutional Investors was PLN 34.50 per Offer Share;
The Final Price to be paid for the Offer Shares by Retail Investors was PLN 33.50 per Offer Share.
8) Subscriptions for Offer Shares were submitted by 4,038 investors, including:
a) 3,753 Retail Investors,
b) 282 Institutional Investors, and
c) 3 Management Option Scheme Investors.
9) The Selling Shareholder allocated 48,040,000 Offer Shares to 4,004 investors, including:
a) 3,719 Retail Investors,
b) 282 Institutional Investors, and
c) 3 Management Option Scheme Investors.
10) Underwriters did not acquire any Company shares in performance of the Underwriting Agreement.
11) The value of the completed public offering for the sale of 48,040,000 Offer Shares was PLN 1,654,978 thousand.
12) As at the date of this Report, the Company does not have information about the final settlement of the issue costs. These costs will be published in the form of a current report after receiving a breakdown and approval of all costs from all the entities involved in the work on preparation and completion of the Offering.
13) As at the date of this Report, the Company does not have information about the final settlement of the issue costs and consequently the average cost of carrying out the sale per Offer Share is not known. These costs will be published in the form of a current report after receiving a breakdown and approval of all costs from all the entities involved in the work on preparation and completion of the Offering.
Legal basis: Article 56 Section 1 Item 2 letter a) of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering and the Terms and Conditions for Introducing Financial Instruments to an Organized Trading System and on Public Companies in connection with § 33 Section 1 of the Finance Minister’s Regulation of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information transmitted by securities issuers and the conditions for recognizing information required by legal regulations of a non-member state as equivalent.